Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dear You...

Today is day 6 of the 30-day, 30-letter challenge! Today's letter is actually a compilation of short letters to various strangers I have unfortunately encountered recently.

You'll also notice that this is particularly short compared to most letters.

A- I'm tired and want to go to sleep
B- I'm lazy*

Here is letter 6!


Dear Mom at Starbucks,

I know Starbucks doesn't just serve coffee, but seriously? Your 3 year-old doesn't need an iced tea from here. What happened to Juicy Juice?


Dear girl whose zebra print bra I can clearly see,

Stop being a ho. Stabbing my eyes with a coffee stirrer.


Dear guy at Starbucks** whose boxers I've unfortunately been staring at because you're right in front of me,



Dear girl who just walked into the Concrete Box***,

Your purple transition lens glasses are silly.


Dear creepy old man who works at the grocery store,

You look like a child molester. Please go fix that.



So there you go! A collection of short letters to the strangers I encounter and why they make me channel Cicero and say "O Tempora! O Mores! O SHIT!"****

Tomorrow's letter is to my ex-love/crush. Teaser: "And I was really, REALLY into you. Back when it was cool to be into fictional knights of a fictional kingdom and fictional time."

Oh yes. I am referring to a pre-Snape era! You'll want to know about my former obsession(s), I promise!


*And, really, are you surprised?
**A lot of these letters take place at Starbucks, actually. Because I see a lot of horrifying things there, unfortunately.
***I work in a lab with one door and no windows. And shit cell service. I therefore dubbed it the "Concrete Box"
****Translation: "Oh the times! Oh the customs! OH SHIT!"

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