Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sane people in an insane time of fear

That title was on purpose.

This past weekend I traveled to my "hometown" of Washington, D.C. with my closest friends to attend Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert's "Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear". It was a crazy, great, fun time, but I have been seriously messed up in terms of my sleep schedule since then*.
Anyways, the great thing about this rally was how awesome everyone was. No one shouted or yelled (angrily, at least), and everyone was super polite.

Oh and the people themselves? Some of the best costumes I had ever seen. This guy:

is the best Joaquin Phoenix impersonator ever. It was great that he just kind of stood around awkward talking to no one. Really cracked me up.

I also got to see Dr. Horrible:

who was also awesome, even if he did have a Ph.D. in horribleness.

The rally itself was insane, there were so many unrelated-yet-cool people there! Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman from Mythbusters did some experiments, Sam Waterson from Law & Order read a poem, Yusef and Ozzy Osborne had a song-off, Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow performed a never-heard-before song...

Rally aside, I got to spend some quality time (both in and out of the car) with my friends, which I really enjoyed. PLUS, the weather looked like this:

all weekend! Can you ask for a more perfect Halloween weekend**?!

On a more serious note, we did end up spending the night at my house because no one was in any condition to drive back to school from DC. This meant I got to be home! For all of about 12 hours! It was both nice and kind of sad. Nice because I got to sleep in my own bed and briefly see my parents. Sad because I had to acknowledge that I had to go back to school and wouldn't be home again until Thanksgiving.

I do think going home has made me slightly homesick (which normally doesn't happen). I think it's partially due to not being home much all of last school year and this past summer.

Anyway, we got back to school and I got to meet my roommate's family, finally! They've been here for the past couple days, and just left to go to the airport this morning.

There aren't too many exciting things happening for the next few days, I might go camping out in the mountains this weekend, but the next big event will be when I travel to NYC to attend the Fourth Annual Quidditch World Cup. I am so excited!

Until then, stay sane and avoid fear!


*Friday I woke up at 7:45am for class. I went to sleep at 1:00am and woke up again at 3:00am Saturday to drive down to DC at 4. Then I stayed up again until 12:30am and woke up at 9:00am Sunday to get ready to leave DC. Then classes happened. Needless to say I feel a bit zombie-like still.
**This could only be more perfect if I had managed to wear my Katara Halloween outfit and gone people watching in Towers Lobby. My actual Halloween night was pretty awesome though.

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